What We Are

Mission Statement

The Union for Mental Health’s mission is to unite and support organizations and individuals from various fields, — including public health, education, art, culture, economic policy, law, social welfare, sport, business, civil society, and the media, — in their efforts towards preserving the mental health of the Russian population.
The Union for Mental Health sees preserving mental health as the benchmark of the intellectual and moral potential of the nation, the bases for strengthening its gene pool, and the foundation of the socioeconomic well-being of Russia. The Union for Mental Health’s activities are based on three cross-cutting approaches:
CLUSTER APPROACH: Supporting the research, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention of mental disorders and promoting mental health by setting a multidisciplinary platform for communication and cooperation.
AVAILABILITY APPROACH: All segments of the Russian population, regardless of their age, gender, social status, religious and political affiliations, should be granted access to education, information and medical services in the field of mental health.
MULTI-SECTOR APPROACH: Successful implementation of strategies and programs aimed at preserving mental health require partnerships between government, business and community sectors, including non-profit organizations.

The activities of the Union for Mental Health cover three areas:

AREA 1: To create a platform for cooperation and carrying out joint innovative activity between representatives of different disciplines and fields in order to resolve a series of issues concerning mental healthcare for the Russian population.
AREA 2: To create opportunities for the professional development of the Russian Union for Mental Health’s members.
AREA 3: To promote the achievements of the russian and foreign achievements in the field of mental healthcare.


  • Prevention of mental disorders.
  • Improving  health and the quality of life for people with mental health problems.
  • Science development in the field of mental healthcare.